Renewable energy
Fuel cells
In the last 15 years, the Department of Materials Science has been continuously conducting research related to fuel cells and their potential application as renewable energy sources. Fuel cells produce electricity from chemicals with minimal losses, and they mostly use hydrogen as fuel. These are very clean sources of electricity, because water or water vapor is produced as a by-product. Of the various types of fuel cells, those based on solid oxides (Solid oxide fuel cells) are of particular interest, in which the electrolyte is composed of non-porous ceramics that become a conductor of protons or oxygen ions at high temperatures. So far, a few doctoral dissertations have emerged from these researches at the Department, as well as numerous publications and presentations at national and international scientific conferences.

Schematic representation of the fuel cell (left) and an example of a microscopic cross-sectional view where the main components of fuel cells based on barium-cerium oxide doped indium are observed (right).
“Modern Metal Oxide Ceramics and Thin Films” (ON 142040), Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Development, Serbia (2006-2011).
“Zero- to Three-Dimensional Nanostructures for Application in Electronics and Renewable Energy Sources: Synthesis, Characterisation and Processing”(III45007), Ministry of Science and Technological Development of Republic of Serbia (2011-2020).
М. Zunic, L. Chevallier, F. Deganello, A. D’Epifanio, S. Licoccia, E. Di Bartolomeo, E. Traversa, Electrophoretic deposition of dense BaCe0.9Y0.1O3−x electrolyte thick-films on Ni-based anodes for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells, Journal of Power Sources, 2009, 190, 417-422.
A. Radojković, M. Žunić, S.M. Savić, G. Branković, Z. Branković, Enhanced stability in CO2 of Ta doped BaCe0.9Y0.1O3–δ electrolyte for intermediate temperature SOFCs. Ceramics International, 2013, 39, 2631-2637.
А. Radojkovic, S. Savic, S. Prsic, Z. Brankovic, G. Brankovic, Improved electrical properties of Nb doped BaCe0.9Y0.1O2.95 electrolyte for intermediate temperature SOFCs obtained by autocombustion method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2014, 583, 278-284.
A. Radojković, M. S. Savić, N. Jović, J. Ćirković, Ž. Despotović, A. Ribić, Z. Branković, G. Branković, Structural and electrical properties of BaCe9Eu0.1O2.95 electrolyte for IT-SOFCs, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 161, 153-158.
A. Radojković, M. Žunić, S. M. Savić, S. Perać, D. Luković Golić, Z. Branković, G. Branković, Co-doping as a strategy for tailoring the electrolyte properties of BaCe0. 9Y0. 1O3–δ, Ceramics International, 2019, 45 (7), 8279-8285.