Center for Green Technologies

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The Center of Excellence for Green Technologies was accredited by the Board for Accreditation of Scientific Research Institutions in 2018. The Center conducts research related to the environment and sustainable development, including renewable energy sources, sustainable agriculture, protection, control and purification of water, soil and air, new technologies that reduce energy consumption and reduce the use and production of toxic substances. The Center's researchers are currently implementing numerous national and international projects. A wide range of expertise within one institution allows us to implement complex projects in the field of green technologies. There are 7 well-equipped laboratories within the Center.
Renewable energy:
- Radojković, D. Luković Golić, J. Ćirković, Z. Marinković Stanojević, D. Pajić, F. Torić, A. Dapčević, P. Vulić, Z. Branković, G. Branković, (2018) Tuning of BiFeO3 multiferroic properties by light doping with Nb, 44(14): 16739-16744 M21a
- Luković Golić, A. Radojković, A. Dapčević, D. Pajić, J. Dragović, F. Torić, J. Ćirković, G. Branković, Z. Branković (2019) Change in structural, ferroelectric, and magnetic properties of bismuth ferrite induced by doping with gadolinium, Ceramics International, 45 (15): 19158-19165 M21a
- A Radojković, M Žunić, S M Savić, S Perać, D Luković Golić, Z Branković, G Branković (2019) Co-doping as a strategy for tailoring the electrolyte properties of BaCe 9Y0. 1O3–δ, Ceramics International, 45(7): 8279-8285 M21a
- Nikolić, S. Skorić, M. Lenhardt, A. Hegediš, J. Krpo-Ćetković (2020) Risk assessment of using fish from different types of reservoirs as human food–A study on European perch (Perca fluviatilis). Environmental Pollution257: 113586. M21a
- Milosavljević, D. Mutavdžić, K. Radotić, J. Milivojević, V. Maksimović, J. Dragišić Maksimović (2020) Phenolic profiling of 12 strawberry cultivars using different spectroscopic methods, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 68: 4346-4354 M21a
- Nikolic M. V., Dojcinovic M. P., Vasiljevic Z. Z., Lukovic M. D., Labus N. J. (2020), Nanocomposite Zn2SnO4/SnO2 thick films as a humidity sensing material, IEEE Sensors Journal, 20:7509-7516 M21
- Zorica Brankovic and Yuri Rostovtsev, (2020). “A resonant single frequency molecular detector with high sensitivity and selectivity for gas mixtures”, Scientific Reports 10, 1537 M21
- Radotić, D. Djikanović, J. Simonović Radosavljević, N. Jović-Jovičić, Z. Mojović (2020) Comparative study of lignocellulosic biomass and its components as electrode modifiers for detection of lead and copper ions. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 862. M21
- Jovanović, S. Krnjajić, J. Ćirković, A. Radojković, T. Popović, G. Branković, Z. Branković (2020) Effect of encapsulated lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus L.) essential oil against potato tuber moth Phthorimaea operculella, Crop Protection,
132: 105109 M21 - Nikolic M. V. Milovanovic V., Vasiljevic Z. Z., Stamenkovic Z. (2020) Semiconductor gas sensors: Materials, Technology, Design and Application, Sensors, 20:6694 M21
- Bartolić, V. Maksimović, J. Dragišić Maksimović, M. Stanković, S. Krstović, R. Baošić, K. Radotić (2020) Variations in polyamine conjugates in maize (Zea mays L.) seeds contaminated with aflatoxin B1: a dose–response relationship, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 100: 2905–2910. DOI 10.1002/jsfa.10317 M21
- Nikolic M. V., Vasiljevic Z. Z, Auger S., Vidic J., Metal oxide nanoparticles for safe active and intelligent food packaging (2021) Trends in Food Science and Technology 116 655-668 M21a
- Dojcinovic M. P., Vasiljevic Z. Z., Kovac, J., Tadic N. B., Nikolic M. V., (2021) Nickel manganite-alginate nano-biocomposite for temperature sensing, Chemosensors 9 241, M21
- Simonović Radosavljević, A. Lj Mitrović, K. Radotić, L. Zimanyi, G. Garab, G. Steinbach, (2021) Differential Polarization Imaging of Plant Cells. Mapping the Anisotropy of Cell Walls and Chloroplasts, International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22: 7661, DOI: 10.3390/ijms22147661. M21
- Jovanović, J. Ćirković, A. Radojković, D. Mutavdžić, G. Tanasijević, K. Joksimović, G. Bakić, G. Branković, Z. Branković (2021) Chitosan and pectin-based films and coatings with active components for application in antimicrobial food packaging, Progress in Organic coatings, 158: 106349 M21
- Radotić, D. Djikanović, A. Kalauzi , G. Tanasijević , V. Maksimović , J. Dragišić Maksimović (2022) Influence of silicon on polymerization process during lignin synthesis. Implications for cell wall properties, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 198: 168–174. M21a
- Malešević, A. Radojković, M. Žunić, A. Dapčević, S. Perać, Z. Branković, G. Branković (2022) Evaluation of stability and functionality of BaCe1−xInxO3−δ electrolyte in a wider range of indium concentration, Journal of Advanced Ceramics,, M21a
- Tasić N., Ćirković J.,Ribić V.,Žunić M.,Dapčević A.,Branković G.,Branković Z., Effects of the silver nanodots on the photocatalytic activity of mixed-phase TiO2, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, Volume 105, Issue 1, Pages 336 – 347, 2022 M21a
- Branković, J. Ćirković, A. Radojković, G. Branković, J. Jovanović, S. Krnjajić, S. Veljović Jovanović (2020) Biopolymer emulsion for active packaging uses and method of manufacturing, International patent application, WO/2020/055277, M93
- Hidrogelovi sa sintetisanim ligninskim oligomerima kao antimikrobne supstance i sredstva za zarastanje rana (Ksenija Radotić Hadži-Manić, IMSI, Dragica Spasojević, IMSI, Danica Zmejkoski, Institut Vinča) (2020), Patent application No P-2020/1311, M93
- 2020-2021, Proof of concept No. 5706 „Aluminium brise-soleils with photovoltaic characteristics“, Science fund Republic of Serbia.
Participants:Katarina Vojisavljević (project leader), Goran Branković, Milan Žunić, Milica Počuča-Nešić, Zorica Branković - E! 13305 "Innovative solutions for the treatment of chromates-containing wastewaters", 01.11.2019. - 31.10.2022. participant: Zvezdana Baščarević.
- PoC, “Nanobionic stimulation of agricultural plants’ productivity, September 2020 - September 2021, participant: Ksenija Radotić Hadži-Manić, Ivana Milenković, Sladjana Spasić.
- "Rational design of multifunctional electrode interface for efficient electrocatalytic hydrogen production", 2020.-2022., RatioCAT, PROMIS, Science fund Republic of Serbia, Participants from The Center of Excellence for Green Technologies - dr Uros Lacnjevac, Research professor
- Project of bilateral collaboration between Republic Serbia and Germany, 2020-2021, "TiO2 nanotube arrays decorated with platinum group metal nanoparticles for electrocatalysis applications". Participants from The Center of Excellence for Green Technologies - dr Uros Lacnjevac - Research professor ( project leader) and dr Nevenka Elezovic – Research professor.
- Promis: "Real-time detection and quantification of bioaerosols relevant for human and plant health"-"BREATHE. September 2020 September 2022. Participant: Mira Stanković
- "Development of a point-of-care biosensor for the swift determination of D-dimer" - FAPESP 2018/13922-7. Participant: Nikola Tasić
- 2020-2021 UNDP Serbia, Climate Smart Urban Development Project 'LIQUID3', No. 00094603/07/2020 (participants: I Spasojevic, D Stojiljkovic, M Stanic)
- 2020-2021 Innovation Fund of the Republic of Serbia, Proof of Concept Project 'SORBWALL technology - Microalgal cell wall-based composites for biosorption of metals from polluted waters', No. 5033 (participants: I Spasojevic, M Stanic, G Tanasijevic)
- „Photoreactor based on electrospun nanofibers of samarium-doped titanium dioxide“, Proof of concept, Фонд за иновациону делатност, Република Србија, 2020 – 2021, participants: Горан Бранковић, Зорица Бранковић, Јована Ћирковић
- 2020-2021 Bilateralna saradnja Srbija-Nemačka “Nanostructured semiconducting metal-oxides as gas sensors for medical diagnostics by breath analysis”, financed by Ministry of Education, Science and Technological development Republic of Serbia, Participants: Katarina Vojisavljević (project leader), Zorica Branković, Goran Branković, Milica Počuča-Nešić, Jelena Vukašinović, Olivera Zemljak
Renewable energy:
- Fuel cells
- Hydrogen energy based society
- Hydrothermal, solvothermal and mechanochemical processing of materials.
- Characterization of materials: X-ray Powder Diffraction, Thermal Analysis, UV-Visible Spectroscopy.
- Testing of adsorption and photocatalytic activity of materials in removal harmful substances (textile dyes, pesticides ...) (UV-Vis spectroscopy).
- Measuring the absorbance, transmittance, reflectance and determination the band gap energy of semiconductors (UV-Vis diffusion-reflection spectroscopy).
- Assesment of the possibility of using industrial waste materials in construction materials industry.
- Testing of binder materials (determination of fineness, setting times, soundness, strength).
Professional services:
- Characterization of ceramic, binding, composite and other materials (identification of mineral composition) by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) analysis
- Microstructural analysis of ceramic, binding, composite and other materials by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) analysis
- Working experience in the methodology of testing the physical-mechanical and structural characteristics of binding materials based on alkali- and mechanically activated industrial mineral waste (fly ash from thermal power plants and blast furnace slag from the production of pig iron)