Одсек за науке о живим системима

- Истраживања
- Истраживачи
- Изабране референце
- Текући пројекти
- Услуге
- Галерија
Истраживања на Одсеку имају фундаментални и апликативни аспект:
- Биофизика ћелијског зида биљака – фундаментални и примењиви аспект истраживања, са потенцијалом за примену у процени квалитета дрвета у дрвној индустрији, или квалитета биомасе различитог порекла за примене.
- Биомаса из обновљивих извора за производњу енергије и пречишћавање вода - оптимизација метода изоловања полимера и ензима из ћелијских зидова из отпадне биомасе и њихове даље употребе као базе у синтези хидрогелова за примену у индустрији и фармацији.
- Наночестице у животној средини – интеракција са биљкама усвајање и транслокација наночестица у биљкама, њихова могућа токсичност, и њихова потенцијална улога у модулацији одређених врста стреса.
- Модификација антиоксидативног метаболизма у стресу - интеракција биљака и срединских фактора (абиотских и биотских) и механизами аклимације на промењене услове на различитим нивоима организације биљног организма.
- Развој примене метода оптичке спектроскопије (флуоресцентне, инфрацрвене) у структурним и дијагностичким студијама биљних и анималних система различите сложености.
- Развој метода течне хроматографије спрегнутих са масеном и електрохемијском детекцијом.
- Истраживање здравствено корисних компоненти хране.
- Редокс биохемија и биомедицина - редокс и координативне интеракције прелазних метала са биомолекулима, лековима и полутантима; улога прелазних метала и слободних радикала у хуманим обољењима.
- Ефекти јонизујућег зрачења ниских доза на једноћелијским алгама као модел организмима.
- Екофизиологија гљива и биодиверзитет. Растење биљака и гљива и одбрана од сланог стреса.
- Развој примене математичких и напредних статистичких метода у дизајну експеримената и анализама различитих врста експерименталних резултата.
- Електрофизиолошка испитивања физиолошких својстава ћелија нервног система, интеракција неуротрансмитера и цинка, цереброваскуларних процеса и мембранских особина неадхезивних ћелија.
- Испитивања интеракције инсеката са природним и вештачким агенсима у циљу различитих примена у пољопривреди.
Референце 2000-2021
- Živanović B.D. (2012) Surface tip-to-base Ca2+ and H+ ionic fluxes are involved in apical growth and graviperception of the Phycomyces stage I sporangiophore. Planta 236:1817-1829
- Živanović B.D. Shabala L.I., Elzenga T.J.M., Shabala S.N. (2015): Dissecting blue light signal transduction pathway in leaf epidermis using a pharmacological approach. Planta 242: 813-827
- Živanović, B.D., Ullrich K.K., Steffens B., Spasić S.Z., Galland P. (2018) The effect of auxin (indole-3-acetic acid) on the growth rate and tropism of the sporangiophore of Phycomyces blakesleeanus and identification of auxin-related genes. Protoplasma 255:1331–1347
- Fanrong Zeng, Sergey Shabala, Jelena Dragišić Maksimović, Vuk Maksimović, Edgar Bonales-Alatorre, Lana Shabala, Min Yu, Guoping Zhang, Branka D. Živanović (2018): Revealing mechanisms of salinity tissue tolerance in succulent halophytes: a case study for Carpobrotus rossi. Plant, Cell & Environment 41(11): 2654–2667
- Sedlarević Zorić, A., Morina, F., Toševski, I., Tosti, T., Jović, J., Krstić, O., & Veljović-Jovanović, S. (2019). Resource allocation in response to herbivory and gall formation in Linaria vulgaris. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 135, 224-232. (M21)
- Vojvodić S, Danilović Luković J, Zechmann B, Jevtović M, Bogdanović Pristov J, Stanić M, Lizzul A. M, Pittman K. J, Spasojević I. The effects of ionizing radiation on the structure and antioxidative and metal-binding capacity of the cell wall of microalga Chlorella sorokiniana. Chemosphere 260: 127553, 2020. DOI:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.127553
- Vojvodić S, Stanić M, Zechmann B, Dučić T, Žižić M, Dimitrijević M, Danilović Luković J, Milenković R. M, Pittman J. K, Spasojević I. Mechanisms of detoxification of high copper concentrations by the microalga Chlorella sorokiniana. Biochemical Journal 477: 3729 - 3741, 2020. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1042/BCJ20200600
- Spasić S On 2D Generalization of Higuchi’s Fractal Dimension. Chaos, Solitions and Fractals, 2014, Vol. 69, December 2014, pp. 179-187. DOI:10.1016/j.chaos.2014.09.015
- Spasić S, 2010, Surrogate Data Test for Nonlinearity of the Rat Cerebellar Electrocorticogram in the Model of Brain Injury. Signal Processing. Vol.90, No. 12, pp. 3015-3025.
- Kesic S, Spasić S, Application of Higuchi’s fractal dimension from basic to clinical neurophysiology: A review, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 2016, Vol. 133, pp. 55–70. DOI:10.1016/j.cmpb.2016.05.014
- Spasić S, Nikolić Lj, Mutavdžić D, Saponjic J. (2011) Independent complexity patterns in single neuron activity induced by static magnetic field. Computer methods and Programs in Biomedicine. Vol.104, Pp. 212-218.
- Spasić S, Ćulić M, Grbić G, Martać Lj, Sekulić S, Mutavdžić D, 2008, Spectral and fractal analysis of cerebellar activity after single and repeated brain injury. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology Vol. 70, No. 4, pp. 1235-1249.
- Spasić S, Kalauzi A, Ćulić M, Grbić G, Martać Lj (2005). Fractal analysis of rat brain activity after injury, Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, Vol. 43, Issue 3, pp. 345-348.
- Radotić K., Dučić T., Mutavdžić D. 2000. Changes in peroxidase activity and isoenzymes in spruce needles after exposure to different concentrations of cadmium. Environmental and Experimental Botany 44: 105-113.
- Mitrović A., Donaldson L.A., Djikanović D., Bogdanović Pristov J., Simonović J., Mutavdžić D., Kalauzi A., Maksimović V., Nanayakkara B., Radotić K. 2015. Analysis of static bending-induced compression wood formation in juvenile Picea omorika (Pančić) Purkyne. Trees – Structure and Function 29: 1533-1543.
- Milenković I., Mitrović A., Algarra M., Lázaro-Martínez J. M., Rodríguez-Castellón E., Maksimović V., Spasić Z. S., Beškoski P. V., Radotić 2019. Interaction of carbohydrate coated cerium-oxide nanoparticles with wheat and pea: stress induction potential and effect on development, Plants, 8 478. doi: 10.3390/plants8110478
- Bartolić D, Maksimović V, Dragišić Maksimović J, Stanković M, Krstović S, Baošić R, Radotić K. 2020. Variations in polyamine conjugates in maize (Zea mays) seeds contaminated with aflatoxin B1: a dose–response relationship. Science of Food and Agriculture 100, 2905–2910.
- Stanković M, Bartolić D, Mutavdžić D, Marković S, Grubić S, Jovanović NM, Radotić K. 2021. Estimation of honey bee colony infection with Nosema ceranae and Varroa destructor using fluorescence spectroscopy in combination with differential scanning calorimetry of honey samples. Journal of Apicultural Research, https://doi.org/10.1080/00218839.2021.1889803
- Stanković M, Nikčević M, Radotić K. 2020. Annual variation of proteins and phenols in honey of a bee society using fluorescence spectroscopy: a way to assess effects of anti-varroa treatments on honey composition. European Food Research and Technology 246:1515–1518
- Jelušić, A., Berić, T., Mitrović, P., Dimkić, I., Stanković, S., Marjanović-Jeromela, A., Popović, T. 2021. New insights into the genetic diversity of Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris isolates from winter oilseed rape in Serbia. Plant Pathology, 70(1), 35-49. doi: 10.1111/ppa.13273
- Živanović, B., Milić Komić, S., Tosti, T., Vidović, M., Prokić, L., & Veljović Jovanović, S. (2020). Leaf Soluble Sugars and Free Amino Acids as Important Components of Abscisic Acid-Mediated Drought Response in Tomato. Plants, 9(9), 1147.
- Marković, S., Stanković, S., Jelušić, A., Iličić, R., Kosovac, A., Poštić, D., & Popović, T. (2021). Occurrence and Identification of Pectobacterium carotovorum brasiliensis and Dickeya dianthicola Causing Blackleg in some Potato Fields in Serbia. Plant Disease, 105(4), 1080-1090.
- Opačić, M., Ristić, A.J., Savić, D., Šelih, V.S., Živin, M., Sokić, D., Raičević, S., Baščarević, V. and Spasojević, I. (2017). Metal maps of sclerotic hippocampi of patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Metallomics, 9(2), 141–148. DOI: 10.1039/c6mt00293e (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 70/293, IF = 4.069, M21)
- Opačić, M., Stević, Z., Baščarević, V., Živić, M., Spasić, M. and Spasojević, I. (2018). Can oxidation-reduction potential of cerebrospinal fluid be a monitoring biomarker in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis? Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, 28(17), 1570–1575. DOI: 10.1089/ars.2017.7433 (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 41/299, IF = 5.828, M21)
- Dragišić Maksimović, Jelena, Mojović, Miloš, Maksimović, Vuk, Römheld, Volker and Nikolic, Miroslav. 2012. Silicon ameliorates manganese toxicity in cucumber by decreasing hydroxyl radical accumulation in the leaf apoplast. Journal of Experimental Botany 63: 2411-2420. IF (2011): 5.364 Plant Sciences (11/190)
- Dragica Milosavljević, Dragosav Mutavdžić, Ksenija Radotić, Jasminka Milivojević, Vuk Maksimović, Jelena Dragišić Maksimović. 2020. Phenolic profiling of 12 strawberry cultivars using different spectroscopic methods. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 68 (15): 4346-4354. IF (2019): 4.192 Agriculture, Multidisciplinary (4/58)
- Dragišić Maksimović, Jelena J., Živanović, Branka D., Maksimović, Vuk M., Mojović, Miloš D., Nikolic, Miroslav T. and Vučinić, Željko B. 2014. Filter strip as a method of choice for apoplastic fluid extraction from maize roots. Plant Science. 223: 49-58. IF (2013): 4.114 Plant Sciences (19/199)
- Dragišić Maksimović J., Mojović M., Vučinić Ž., Maksimović V. 2021. Spatial distribution of apoplastic antioxidative constituents in maize root. Physiologia Plantarum. 173(3): 818– 828. https://doi.org/10.1111/ppl.13476
- Simonović Radosavljević J, Bogdanović Pristov J, Mitrović A, Steinbach G, Mouille G, Tufegdžić S, Maksimović V, Mutavdžić D, Janošević D, Vuković M, Garab G, Radotic K (2017) Parenchyma cell wall structure in twining stem of Dioscorea balcanica. Cellulose 24 (11): 4653 – 4669.
- Šušić N., Bobinac M., Andrašev S., Šijačić-Nikolić M., Bauer-Živković A. (2019). Growth characteristics of one-year-old Hungarian oak seedlings (Quercus frainetto) in full light conditions. Šumarski list, 143(5-6), 221-229. (IF 2019 = 0.451)
- Korać Jačić J., Nikolić Lj., Stanković DM., Opačić M., Dimitrijević M., Savić D., Grgurić-Šipka S., Spasojević I., Bogdanović Pristov J. (2020) Ferrous iron binding to epinephrine promotes the oxidation of iron and impedes activation of adrenergic receptors. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 148: 123-127. (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 16/143, IF=6.170, M21)
- Korać J., Stanković DM., Stanić M., Bajuk-Bogdanović D., Žižić M., Bogdanović Pristov J., Grgurić-Šipka S., Popović-Bijelić A., Spasojević I. (2018) Coordinate and redox interactions of epinephrine with ferric and ferrous iron at physiological pH. Scientific Reports, 8: 3530. (Multidisciplinary Sciences 12/64, IF=4.122, M21)
- Milenković I., Algarra M., Alcoholado C., Cifuentes M., Lazaro-Martinez J. M., Rodriguez-Castellon E., Mutavdžić D., Radotić K., Bandosz T. J. (2019) Fingerprint imaging using N-doped carbon dots, Carbon, 144, 791-797. doi: 10.1016/j.carbon.2018.12.102
- Milenković I., Radotić K., Trifković J., Vujisić Lj., Beškoski P. V. (2021) Screening of semi-volatile compounds in plants treated with coated cerium oxide nanoparticles by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography, Journal of Separation Science, 1-9. doi: 10.1002/jssc.202100145
- Milenković I., Borišev M., Zhou Y., Spasić Z. S., Leblanc R., Radotić K. (2021) Photosynthesis enhancement in maize via nontoxic orange carbon dots, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69 (19), 5446-5451. doi: 10.1021/acs.jafc.1c01094
- Dučić T., Milenković I., Mutavdžić D., Nikolić M., Martínez de Yuso M. V., Vučinić Ž., Algarra M., Radotić K. Estimation of carbon dots amelioration of copper toxicity in maize studied by synchrotron radiation-FTIR, Colloids and Surfaces B Biointerfaces, 204, 111828. doi: 10.1016/j.colsurfb.2021.111828
- Milenković I., Radotić K., Despotović J., Lončarević B., Lješević M., Spasić Z. S., Nikolić A., Beškoski P. V. (2021) Toxicity investigation of CeO2 nanoparticles coated with glucose and exopolysaccharides levan and pullulan on the bacterium Vibrio fischeri and aquatic organisms Daphnia magna and Danio rerio, Aquatic Toxicology, 236, 105867. doi: 10.1016/j.aquatox.2021.105867
- Cvetić Antić, T., Janošević, D., Maksimović, V.M., Živić, M., Budimir, S., Glamočlija, J., Mitrović, A.Lj. (2020) Biochemical and histological characterization of succulent plant Tacitus bellus response to Fusarium verticillioides infection in vitro. Journal of Plant Physiology, 244, 153086 (2018, Plant Sciences 55/228, IF 2.825) doi.org/10.1016/j.jplph.2019.153086. М21
- Dimitrijević MS, Bogdanović Pristov J, Žižić M, Stanković DM, Bajuk-Bogdanović D, Stanić M, Spasić S, Hagen W, Spasojević I. Biliverdin-copper complex at physiological pH. Dalton Transactions 2019;48:6061-6070
- Milić Komić S, Bogdanović Pristov J, Popović-Bijelić A, Zakrzewska J, Stanić M, Kalauzi A, Spasojević I. Photo-redox reactions of indole and ferric iron in water. Appl Catal B-Environ. 2016;185:174-180.
- Bragato, G., Fornasier, F., Bagi, I., Egli, S., & Marjanović, Ž. (2021) Soil parameters explain short-distance variation in production of Tuber aestivum in an oak plantation in the central-northern part of the Great Hungarian Plain (Jászság region, Hungary). Forest Ecology and Management, 479, 118578. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118578 (M21a) IF 2019-3.17
- Marjanović, Ž., Nawaz, A., Stevanović, K., Saljnikov, E., Maček, I., Oehl, F., & Wubet, T. (2020). Root-Associated Mycobiome Differentiate between Habitats Supporting Production of Different Truffle Species in Serbian Riparian Forests. Microorganisms, 8(9), 1331. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms8091331 (M21), IF2019- 4.152
- Marjanović, Ž, Glišić, A., Mutavdžić, D., Saljnikov, E., & Bragato, G. (2015) Ecosystems supporting Tuber magnatum Pico production in Serbia experience specific soil environment seasonality that may facilitate truffle lifecycle completion. Applied Soil Ecology, 95, 179-190. (M21) IF2016 =2.916
- Horizon 2020, Innovation in Truffle cultivation, preservation, processing and wild truffle resources management (INTACT), 101007623
- UNDP, LIQUID 3, 00094603/07/2020
- European Commission, Oxygen sensing a novel mean for biology and technology of fruit quality, CA18210
- European Commission, Data integration to maximise the power of omics for grapevine improvement, CA 17111
- European Commission, European Soil-Biology Data Warehouse for Soil Protection” (EUdaphobase), CA18238, https://www.eudaphobase.eu/
- Scientific and technological cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Croatia, Microstructure and mechanical characteristics of concrete with recycled materials
- Innovation Fund/Proof of concept, Development of filters based on microalgae biomass for absorption of heavy metals from wastewater, 5033
- Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia/PROMIS, Late embryogenesis abundant Proteins: Structural Characterization and Interaction with α-Synuclein (LEAPSyn-SCI), 6039663
- The Innovation Fund/ Proof of Concept, Zinc encapsulated in biodegradable polymers: a sustainable solution for cereals boosting, 5262
- Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia/PROMIS, Real -time detection and quantification of bioaerosols relevant for human and plant health (BREATHE), 6039613
- Innovation Fund / Proof of Concept / Technology Transfer, Nanobionic stimulation of agricultural plants' productivity (NANOPLANT), 5419